What Sets Us Apart
How Child Health Partnership is different from other organizations.
Child Health Partnership is the only local agency whose Registered Nurses and Family Support Workers work with parents and children together in their homes. They provide medical support, developmental screening, parenting education and connections to resources throughout our community to help our client families become self-sufficient.
Our services are free, and last year we served 367 young children, 80 pregnant women and 18 pregnant or parenting teens.
Personalized professional health care.
Child Health Partnership is the only local agency to provide nursing support to low-income families with children ages 0-5 years and pregnant women.
To learn more click here.
The importance of home visiting.
Our professional staff delivers these services directly to families in their homes.
To learn more click here.
Connecting with the community to empower families.
Our professional staff of Registered Nurses and Family Support Specialist address the myriad of social determinants of health. We connect families with numerous other agencies for the services they need and empower our families to advocate for themselves.
To learn more click here.
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of early intervention
By connecting children with resources early, we help reduce the burden on numerous social services later. A large body of scientific data confirms the imporance of early intervention.
To learn more click here.
Outcomes, Audits and Accountability
Child Health Partnership measures outcomes of our work and undergoes regular third-party audits. Empirical data demonstrates the effectiveness of our evidence-based approach. We foster health equity, family stability, healthy babies and families, and kids who are school ready.
To learn more click here.
Our Programs & Services
Child Health Partnership provides in-home support to low-income families and build long-term relationships based on honesty, integrity and trust. To learn more click here.
Our Impact By the Numbers
In 2023 we supported 367 children from 203 families with a total of 3,617 home visits and calls for complex medical, parenting and day-to-day needs
Our teams supported 80 pregnant women including 18 teens.
We supported 59 refugee families from 12 countries.
$.85 of every dollar donated goes directly to our families and programs.
Since 1991, we have served over 5,500 children from 3,500 families. To learn more click here.