Our Impact By the Numbers

How we support the community.

In 2023 Child Health Partnership:

Supported 367 children from 203 families with a total of 3,617 home visits and calls for complex medical, parenting and day-to-day needs

Teams supported 80 pregnant women including 18 teens.

Supported 59 refugee families from 12 countries.

$.85 of every dollar donated goes directly to our families and programs.

Since 1991, we have served over 5,500 children from 3,500 families.

Medical Home & Prenatal Care

97% of Child Health Partnership children had a medical home or prenatal care.

Current Developmental Screenings

92% of Child Health Partnerships Children had a current developmental screenings.

Up-To-Date on Well Child Care

89% of Child Health Partnerships Children are up-to-date on well child care.

Current Health Assessment

89% of Child Health Partnerships Children had a current health assessment.

Parent Employment

71% of Child Health Partnerships parents had one or both parents employed.

Enrolled in Preschool or Day Care

78% of Child Health Partnerships Children are enrolled in Preschool or Day Care.

Up-To-Date on Immunizations

92% of Child Health Partnerships children are up-to-date on their immunizations.

Benchmark for Nurturing Behaviors

81% of Child Health Partnerships Parents scored above the benchmark for nurturing behaviors.

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