Annual Reports

Our Services

  • Encouraging in-home positive parent-child interactions and child development through education and hands-on activities that build parent confidence and skills, leading to school readiness. Learn more here.

  • Provides at-home support to low-income families, with prenatal and post-partum nursing education and support to boost positive birth outcomes, including nutrition, self-care, fetal development and depression screening.

    Learn more here.

  • Supporting family self-sufficiency through employment and connections to community resources.

    To learn more here.

  • Provides basic at-home health education and managing special health needs to have a medical home for sick and prenatal care.

    Learn more here.

  • Providing support and community partner resources to address day-to-day issues of food insecurity, mental health challenges, affordable housing, transportation, childcare and much more.

    Learn more here.

  • Free Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3) can help you keep track of your child’s development, age 0-5. The ASQ-3 provides reliable, accurate, developmental and social-emotional screening for children between one month and 5½ years.

    Learn more here.

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