Fast Facts that Deomonstrate our Impact
Child Health Partnership Fast Facts………
Did you know that last year Child Health Partnership.......
Supported: 367 children age 0-6 in 203 local families, including 80 pregnant women and 18 pregnant and/or parenting teens and 59 refugee families from 12 countries.
Did you know that Child Health Partnership families.....
Enrolled for a full year averaged 20 visits.
Did you know that Child Health Partnership staff....
Make approximately 4,000 home visits each year.
Did you know that Child Health Partnership served......
59 refugee families from around the world.
Did you know that after one year of work with Child Health Partnership parents.....
showed a 56% increase in parenting knowledge and a 38% increase in positive parenting behaviors.
Did you know at Child Health Partnership.......
97% of Child Health Partnership children have a medical home for sick and prenatal care.
Did you know at Child Health Partnership......
92% of Child Health Partnership children had a current developmental screening.
Did you know at Child Health Partnership.......
89% of children of Child Health Partnership were up-to-date on well-child care.
Did you know at Child Health Partnership....
89% of Child Health Partnership children had a current health assessment.
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