Child Health Partnership

Impact & Outcomes

Since 1991, we have supported the health and well-being of more than 5,500 children in 3,500 families.

In fiscal year 2023 we supported 367 children from 203 families with a total of 3,617 visits addressing complex medical, parenting and day-to-day needs. 

59 refugee families from 12 countries

80 pregnant women including 18 teens with prenatal care

20 in-home visits from nurses and family support per family

Explore our video galleries below to learn more about Child Health families over the years.

Last year we reported the following outcomes for families working with us:
70 %
of families have a medical home for sick and prenatal care.
50 %
of parents scored above the desired benchmark for nurturing behaviors.
70 %
of children were up to date on well-child care overall.
50 %
of Child Health babies are breastfed.
50 %
of children were up to date on their immunizations.
Explore our video galleries