Child Health Partnership

Other Ways to give

is an important way through which individuals can provide support to organizations about which they care. It is through planned giving programs that a donor can work with a charitable organization to develop a strategic gift program through his/her estate plan. A planned gift can be a simple bequest or a complex charitable trust. They are not only extremely important to us but can be beneficial to the donor and his/her heirs.


The Neighborhood Assistance Act Tax Credit Program. The purpose of the Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP) is to encourage businesses, trusts and individuals to make donations to approved 501(c) (3) organizations for the benefit of low-income persons. In return for their contributions, businesses, trusts and individuals may receive tax credits equal to 65 percent of the donation that may be applied against their state income tax liability. 


Many families choose to request that donations be made in memory of their loved ones in lieu of cards, flowers, or gifts. Child Health Partnership is honored to be a recipient organization of memorial gifts and works with donors and families to appropriately recognize both the gifts and the loved ones in whose name memorial gifts are given. 


Gifts may also be made by check, payable and mailed to:
Child Health Partnership
1469 Greenbrier Place
Charlottesville, VA 22901